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Gypsy magic
About the Gypsy love spell
Why people cast gypsy love spells
Even though the casting technique of the Gypsies is doubtful, the Gypsy love spell is the most powerful spell in love magic.
(votes: 48, rating: 4.59) -
Gypsy love magic is one of the most effective kinds of magic. For centuries, Gypsies have been passing on by word of mouth (they have no system of writing of their own) and as genetic(votes: 45, rating: 4.57)
There is a popular belief that one should not look Gypsies in the eye, speak to them, show them jewelry such as rings or watches. The power of Gypsy magic is well-known, too.(votes: 44, rating: 4.6)
Gypsies often come up to strangers on the street and offer to “remove a curse” or “tell fortunes.” As a rule, it leads to this person losing his money or jewels.
Many people are afraid of(votes: 51, rating: 4.5) -
Why some Gypsy curses are so difficult to remove
To understand why not all black spell casters agree to remove Gypsy curses, you should understand what the Gypsy magic is. In most cases(votes: 65, rating: 4.46)
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