Practical Magic
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Black magic involves the use of herbs. Herbs are needed to make potions, mixtures and infusions. They are used to charge amulets and talismans, send people into a trance, perform astral(votes: 48, rating: 4.52)
Herbs and plants which may help you arouse and keep love
Today we’ll talk about herbs and plants used in love magic. And in my next article, I, spellcaster Maxim, will tell you
(votes: 46, rating: 4.61) -
Herbs in love magic
I’m studying love magic and I’ve noticed many rituals require herbs. However, in my opinion, you don’t have to have herbs and can replace them with(votes: 39, rating: 4.6) -
Geranium. Useful properties and magical features. House plants are not only pleasing to the eye of their owners, but they can also help solve some of their problems. Geranium is a very(votes: 38, rating: 4.61)
The magic of herbs. Many herbs are unique talismans and amulets, meaning they have a magical power, can protect from negative energy and, like magnets, attract positive vibrations.(votes: 40, rating: 4.63)
An extract from an interview:
Spell caster Maxim, how are herbs used in magic?
The magic of herbs is one of the oldest and most effective types of magic. It takes its powers from the nature(votes: 40, rating: 4.59) -
St. John’s wort is one of the most amazing herbs. It was praised by Galen, Dioscorides, Pliny, Paracelsus. Abu Ali Sina, a famous healer, who is also known as Avicenna, recommended drinking(votes: 40, rating: 4.57)
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