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  • Life after death –  is there life after death? We ask ourselves this question every time someone we know dies. Current scientific researches no longer reject unfairly many metaphysical
    (votes: 38, rating: 4.59)
  • Where “Flying Dutchmen” Come From. Old marine stories have references to ships in the open sea which crew and passengers are either all dead (died instantly) or missing. Usually it looks
    (votes: 36, rating: 4.59)
  • Today nobody gets surprised hearing about Higher Powers. Almost everybody believes in their existence. Higher Powers tend to appear when you least expect it, and help in a way you can’t
    (votes: 37, rating: 4.6)
  • Work on Karma. The word “Karma” originated from Sanskrit and means action. The notion of karma is closely connected with our life. It can be found in philosophy, esotericism
    (votes: 38, rating: 4.61)
  • Mysticism. What Is It? You all know what this word means, so I want to share with you my thoughts about the unknown.
    What is mysticism, a plus or a minus? If it’s a plus, then how should one
    (votes: 36, rating: 4.59)
  • Reality-Changing DREAMS (the story of a letter) What is a dream and why do some of them break into our reality, changing it and disturbing its calmness? They say that a dream is a little
    (votes: 35, rating: 4.58)
  • Mermaid (ch. 1). There are different spells which can turn you into a mermaid and endow you with her abilities. How real are those spells? Is there really a way to become a mermaid?
    (votes: 37, rating: 4.56)
  • Mermaid (ch. 2). The Middle Ages
    Actually, in those areas, people had encounters with mermaids quite often.  This is what British Navy Captain Richard Whitbourne wrote in his book,
    (votes: 37, rating: 4.58)
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