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A strong spell to find true love if you think you are not pretty or if you are shy

Homepage Practical magic A strong spell to find true love if you think you are not pretty or if you are shy
Esoteric, astrologer, writer

A spell to find true love if you think you are not pretty


I think you’ll remember who I’m talking about… I have a friend. Well, it’d be an understatement if I said she’s not pretty. She looks so bad that if you had an ugly friend, she’d be her ugly friend. As far as I know, she’s never dated anyone. So, she’s 36 and she’s still a virgin.

Spell to find true loveBut suddenly I’m told she’s getting married. Her fiancé isn’t just some ugly loser but a successful businessman who is also handsome. When I saw them together, I couldn’t believe my eyes. I talked to my friend and she admitted you had put a spell to find true love for her and it changed her life.

I’m wondering if your spell to find your true love can actually give ugly women true love and happiness. Can any woman buy your spell for true love?

Spellcaster Maxim:

I have helped so many women that I do not know which one is your friend. Nevertheless, I assure you I can help any woman find love, whether she is pretty or not.

As a highly skilled spellcaster, I do not force people to fall in love my clients and I do not cause mental damage to them. On the contrary, I teach them how to see and appreciate the inner beauty in people. Thus, if a woman is not pretty but is kind, smart and has a pure soul, I will make sure men will see it and love her for it. Their love will be strong and permanent.

Also, I can improve sex appeal in women which, believe me, has nothing to do with the looks. Sex appeal is determined by the quality of the energies shared by the woman during sex. My spell to find true love helps women emit high-quality energies men cannot resist.

Thus, your friend did not lie to you. If she worked with me, it was my spell that helped her attract her fiancé and made that man want to marry her.


I want to ask you to cast your spell to find your true love on one very handsome man. I’m not very pretty, plus I’m more than ten years older than he is. There is one thing I’m worried about. After you perform your ritual, the man will consider me the most beautiful woman he’s ever met. However, sooner or later the spell will wear out and he’ll see the real me, figure out I lied to him, and hate me for it.

Spellcaster Maxim:

I use special magic spells which do not fool anyone. The man will always see the real you and love you for who you are. So even if the spell wears out one day, your loved one will not get disappointed. So do not be afraid. Read my answer to the previous question and you will understand there is nothing to worry about.

Yes, no spell for true love works forever. Sooner or later all spells start to fade. For this reason I offer my clients a wide range of powerful hand-made amulets designed to keep love alive for dozens of years. In addition, I offer a variety of rituals to transform love into mutual respect and friendship – things making couples stay together forever.

A spell to find your true love if you are shy

Casting spell to find your true loveReader:

I’m forty and I’ve never been married. My biggest problem is my shyness. Meeting new men is like a torture to me. It’s even worse when it comes to sex. I just can’t get over myself. I push the man away, find an excuse, and break up with him. Is there a spell to find true love for people like I am?

Spellcaster Maxim:

Your problem can be easily solved if you understand and accept the fact that you are going to need not one spell to find your true love but several rituals.

To begin with, we need to understand what is wrong with you.

Are any of your chakras damaged?

Are you cursed to be lonely forever?

Do you have a celibacy wreath on you?

Then the cause of your shyness needs to be addressed.

Your subtle bodies are fixed.

Your malfunctioning chakras are fixed, too.

Your confidence is improved.

Your attractiveness and social skills are improved, too.

This is when a spell for true love can be cast.

What spell is it going to be? You will find it out if you read my articles about the love rituals offered by me. In short, I can help you attract a man you know or the one destined to you, whatever you prefer. Also, I can boost your attractiveness and sex appeal and make you a highly desirable woman every man is attracted to.


I don’t want to take much of your time, so please answer briefly: can you cast a spell to find true love for my friend who is a very shy girl?

Spellcaster Maxim:

Unfortunately, I cannot answer this question briefly. You need to understand that shyness is a disease. If it creates problems for your friend affecting her love life, a ritual to attract a man will not do because, no matter who becomes her boyfriend, she will still be shy around him. Thus, we need to help her overcome her shyness. When she gains confidence, she will fix her love life by herself.

Obesity, shyness, uncertainty and social awkwardness are not just some negative character traits. These are energy diseases. A woman with healthy energies is confident, open, cheerful, attractive, and incredibly sexy. No matter how she looks and how old she is, men are attracted to her. She is never alone, unless she wants to.

So my job, as a professional magic practitioner, is not to fulfill your order and cast a spell to find your true love, but treat your friend’s illness, specifically shyness, because of which she cannot be happy.

A spell for true love for women who keep falling for the wrong guy


I’ve been reading your website for a long time. I’ve read many of your articles, but not all of them. I think I know now what my problem is. I’ve been falling for the wrong guys since I was a teenage girl. At the beginning of our relationship, everything seems alright, but then we move in together and it turns out my boyfriend is either a gambler, an alcoholic, or a pervert. The longest relationship I’ve ever been in was two months long. So I’d like to ask you as your loyal reader if you think I should buy your spell for true love or find the root cause of my problems and fix it. So, what do you think?

Spellcaster Maxim:

As my loyal reader, you should know that I do not examine my clients remotely. I am sorry but I am not going to make an exception for you. Besides, it is very likely that there is something pushing you away from your happiness and making you date guys which are not right for you. Maybe you are still immature and like the bad boys, or it may as well be possible that a simple spell to find true love will help you finally meet and attract the right guy.

Reach out to me and I will figure out what is wrong with you and fix it as soon as possible.


I’m not a touch-me-not and I’m not overly demanding. Guys like me and fall in love with me almost immediately. However, they never want to have a serious relationship with me or, for example, to move in together. They like to keep it casual with me, but I want more. Do you think you can help me get rid of bad luck? Or can you adjust my behavior so that men treated me more seriously and wanted to have a lasting relationship with me?

Spellcaster Maxim:

You are the perfect woman for hundreds of thousands of men out there. In fact, it applies to all the ladies reading my website and it is important that all of you remember about it. Unfortunately, you are not destined to meet such men who otherwise would have loved you, taken care of you, pampered you, and never left you.

Fate can be cruel. But it does not mean you cannot stand up against it! Contact me, buy my spell to find true love, and let me help you meet a man whose dream is to be with a woman like you, a man who will fall in love with you at first sight. Alternatively, you can let me know which of your male friends you would like to be with and I will make this man fall in love with you using my spell for true love.

The miracle is already happening. Do not let it pass you by! Reach out to me and I will prepare a spell for true love and cast it for you as soon as possible!


Do you have any advice to your readers who want to cast a spell to find your true love for themselves?

Spellcaster Maxim:

Please find it in my video about casting a spell for true love using chicken eggs.

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