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How to cast a revenge spell

Homepage Practical magic How to cast a revenge spell
Esoteric, astrologer, writer

When I received an email last week written by one of my readers, I was shocked at how little that woman knew about magic. She asked me how to cast a revenge spell using her own menstrual blood. I promise I will answer this question, and some other questions, in this article. I looked through the emails I have received over the last few months and found about twenty emails in which people asked how to cast a revenge spell. As far as I understand, those who want to take revenge on someone using the services of a spellcaster or wanting to find out how to cast revenge spells, have no clue about the danger they are putting themselves into and the consequences of using magic without proper training.

Revenge spell ritualI am not allowed to leave my readers’ questions unanswered. Knowing that they are about to make the biggest mistake of their life, I have decided to write this article. Information presented here is sure to be useful for all people who have ever wondered how to cast a revenge spell on someone by themselves. 

To begin with, I would like to answer the first question about how to cast a spell on someone for revenge using one’s menstrual blood.

As a rule, articles posted on the Internet and telling about how to cast a revenge spell tend to withhold information about the dangers associated with performing rituals using one’s blood. Such rituals may call up forces which feed on your energies. However, if your everyday energies are not enough for them, they may cause you to generate the energies of your pain, suffering or a terminal illness. Getting rid of such entities is usually rather difficult because blood attracts only the most powerful and evil ones.

This is why I would like to warn you to never try to cast a revenge spell by yourself, and so would any other experienced spellcaster.  In addition, I want to highlight the fact that I practice only safe magic, meaning I know how to cast revenge spells to get the desired results, while keeping you, the customer, safe.

Speaking of how to cast a revenge spell on someone using your own blood, I cannot imagine how you came up with that. Such rituals are performed to punish oneself (not someone else!).  This is just how they work.

How to cast a spell on someone for revenge? 

Should I use cemetery magic or voodoo magic?

I hope you ask me how to cast a revenge spell not because you want to do it yourself, but because you are choosing between the options offered to you by your spellcaster. If you are working with a spellcaster and want to know my opinion for information, you are doing the right thing. However, if you want to learn how to cast revenge spells or how to cast a revenge spell on someone by calling up the dead, you are making a terrible mistake. When you lose control of voodoo forces (and I can assure you that, as an amateur, you will), they will seize control of your soul and mind. If you cast a revenge spell by calling up the dead and succeed, they will devour your energy and try to drag you down to their world, the world of the dead.

If you are working with a spellcaster and want to know how to cast a spell on someone for revenge in the most effective manner, I am sorry but I cannot answer your question. The effectiveness of your spell will depend on the power of your spellcaster and his professionalism, but not on the type of magic he uses. All kinds of professional magic can be equally effective, so none cay say that voodoo magic is stronger than cemetery magic, and vice versa.

My husband’s left me for another woman,

so I’m wondering how to cast a revenge spell

Are there any special instructions for me?

Revenge spell skullNo, you just need to find a professional spellcaster and have him cast a revenge spell for you.

But first of all, think about why you want to take revenge on your husband: because he hurt your feelings, or because you still love him and want to be with him? Instead of trying to find out how to cast revenge spells, find a spellcaster who will remove your pain, help you forgive your husband and then reunite you using magic, making him love you again and want to be with you.

Knowing how to cast a revenge spell on someone does not solve problems. Instead of multiplying the existing pain and suffering, try to turn the situation around so everyone involved could feel happiness and joy. Speaking of revenge, can you think of a better way to get even than seeing your husband try to please you, be afraid of losing you, and do everything he can to make you forgive him? Do you think it will be less satisfying than seeing him suffer after you cast a revenge spell on him?

How to cast a spell on someone for revenge if this someone is a close relative?

It is dangerous. After being put on one family member, it will make the others suffer as well.  Ask any professional spellcaster how to cast a revenge spell on your brother or sister, and he will tell you such spell may turn into a family curse, affecting all family members, including you.

How to cast revenge spells so they transform into a death curse?

This topic is too serious to discuss it here. I suggest that you contact me by email or phone, we talk, you tell me about your problem, and then I tell you how to cast a revenge spell on someone ensuring that it turns into a death curse.

As far as I can see, you know how to cast a spell on someone for revenge.

But do you know how to help people who were cast a revenge spell on? Can you help them?

You are right, I know how to cast a revenge spell. This is why I can also remove the consequences of such spells. It does not matter to me which kind of magic was used to get even with you. No matter who the spellcaster is, I know I can break his spell, cure your energies, improve your fate, and put a protection spell on you to ensure you do not fall victim to magic ever again.

I believe someone I know is learning how to cast revenge spells in order to cast one on me. How can I protect myself?  Do I have to tell you this person’s name or provide any other information about him?

If you know who that is, it is great. To help you, not only his name, but also his picture or some personal thing may be needed. The spellcaster will tell you want he needs. That way, he will protect you against this specific person. But what if you are wrong and someone else is trying to use magic to harm you?

Therefore I suggest that you use spells protecting you against haters in general. That way, you will also be protected from that person. The ritual choice depends on your energies, so I can give you further information only after talking to you in person.

How to cast a revenge spell on someone making sure no one ever finds out it was me?

You cannot do that if it is the first spell you cast. Any more or less experienced spellcaster will find out it was you, but that is not the point. The point is spellcasters know that, when a spell is broken, it does not disappear. According to the principle of cause and effect, it will return to you, its initial creator. The spellcaster does not need to do anything for it because the spell will find you on its own.

Do not think you can stay incognito and thus protect yourself against the spell. The only one who can protect you is a spellcaster who will stand between you and the spell and take the fall for you. The point is never try to cast spells by yourself. Always work with professional spellcasters.

How to cast a spell on someone for revenge if there are several people I want to punish?

There are no group spells. If you want to take revenge on several people, you need to use several spells. Let your spellcaster decide which rituals to perform and whom punish first.

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