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Casting a witchcraft spell for love at home
Casting an easy spell for love at home
Everyday hexes or evil eye curses are one of the means of negative programming. Often, they are put accidentally.
To understand what an everyday hex is, remember common situations or phases which concern either yourself or other people:
“I don’t have enough money…”
“You’re still living in this mess!”
“You can’ do it because you’re stupid!”
“You’ll never get married!”
Our life is full of stress, conflicts, arguments and accidents. So you can have a hex put on you simply by starting an argument which a person who is energetically stronger than you. This hex affects you astral and physical body but not karmic one.
An everyday hex
Symptoms of an every hex: ill luck, nervous breakdowns, panic, insomnia or nightmares, headache, acute condition of diseases, including chronic ones.
As soon as you realize that you have any of these symptoms, you can help yourself by restoring your biofield applying to fold medicine. It’s important not to remove the hex as soon as possible. Among the methods for hex removal are ablution, watching the fire or burning candles, hairs ends and coniferous incense.
You can “treat” a hex with the help of a scoop with cold water and a wax candle. Keep the scoop over the head of the hexed man, slowly pouring the melted wax into the water.
The hexed man can have weird feelings, but he shouldn’t be afraid of it.
If the hex is strong, it can pass on to a pet which is this situation acts as a “lighting rod.”
You should always remember that your thoughts and words are very important. While you can protect yourself from the words of other people, you can hardly do so from your own words. It means that you can’t have a low opinion of yourself, reproach yourself. You should always think positively. Remember that people are the creators of their life and situations they find themselves in. You can spoil your whole day simply by being in a bad mood in the morning. So be careful about what you think about yourself and what you do.
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