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Love spells that work and your greed, foolishness and rancor

Homepage Practical magic Love spells that work and your greed, foolishness and rancor
Esoteric, astrologer, writer

One of the questions sent by my website readers:

Why do you think love spells that work shouldn’t be cast for revenge?

In my opinion, one of the best ways to get even with a person is to make this person fall in love with you. Unrequited love is a terrible thing, isn’t it?

My answer:

Unrequited love is far from the best ways to take revenge, especially if it involves love spell works. Such rituals are fueled by the energy of love. Without love, your love, the ritual will not work. Yet energies do not disappear into nowhere. They need a target and sooner or later they find it, even if it requires transformation of a love spell into a curse landing not on the target but on you. It is an invariable law, so those trying to cast a love spell without having any feelings for the target simply do not know how the love spell works or that after the ritual they will fall victim to its blowback.

Love spell that workOne of the questions sent by my website readers:

“But love spells that work can be cast with the use of black magic rituals, can’t they? And as far as I know, black love magic requires pure love energy…”

My answer:

I do not understand what people using black love spell works expect. Happiness? They will not get it. They do not need the target so what they are doing is pointless. Revenge? The revenge effects of such spells are quite disputable regarding their quality and duration. Such love spells expire pretty fast. When it happens, the target gets control over you. To reach balance, the target is allowed to curse you back with the power of their mind simply by wishing ill on you.

One of the questions sent by my website readers:

“This won’t happen if I use some other rituals, will it?”

My answer:

It will not, provided the target deserves your revenge and the spell is cast by an experienced magic practitioner.

One of the questions sent by my website readers:

“I don’t really understand how love spell works. I’ve seen a lot of ads by magic practitioners and witches promising to help their clients and giving them love. It’s about marriages of convenience or the attraction of rich partners. If love spells don’t work without love, how’s it possible?”

My answer:

There are different kinds of love. It can be pure and sacrificial – it makes people happy – or violent and forced – it makes people suffer. The love spells described by you turn the target into an “alcoholic” or a “drug addict”. When the target gets access to alcohol or drugs, they experience short-term happiness but later pay for it by having a hangover or being unable to give up. Also, they can be compared with a prisoner serving their sentence in a tiny cell. They have a bunk, some food and entertainment. However, they are not free because they cannot go out when they want to. Their life is not full and they are not happy.

This is how love spells that work influence their targets. On the other hand, when a love spell works, your feelings and emotions should also be taken into consideration. Obviously, money is important. But are you ready to spend your life with someone you do not love sharing your bed with this person? Are you ready to have children with this person? Besides, you do not know how love spell works influence rich people. Rich people are strong and no magic can change it. They are selfish and demanding, so I can assure you that you will have to pay for every dollar you get with your care, devotion and enthusiasm.

One of the questions sent by my website readers:

“I’m sure a lot of people ask you to put a love spell for revenge or help them find a rich spouse. Do you refuse service to all of them?”

My answer:

Every problem can be solved in several ways. If you want to get even with someone, I will offer you to use some more powerful and effective rituals than love spells that work. I told you about revenge magic in my previous articles which you can find on my website.

If you want to use love spell works to marry a rich person, I have a number of solutions to offer. One of them is a special amulet to make you attractive only to rich men. This kind of magic is rare and I am very proud to be one of the few spellcasters who have mastered it. Another solution is casting two love spells: one on the client and the other one on a rich man. In this case the people fall in love with each other which makes their relationship of convenience very strong. There are some other solutions to consider, but I can tell you about them only in person.

One of the questions sent by my website readers:

“Why do spellcasters claim they have an exclusive right to cast love spells that work when there’s a bunch of articles on the Internet describing how love spell works?”

My answer:

Because the majority of the recipes of love spell works or love spells that work are ineffective. Yes, if you type “how love spell works” in your search box, you will get access to thousands of websites about magic. However, if the owners of these websites deleted their articles but kept the comments, you would see only the following messages, “The love spell doesn’t work!” “Your love spells works are useless!” “You told about how love spell works but you never mentioned the fact that it leads to a blowback!”

So spellcasters do not claim to have any exclusive rights for anything. They just do their job, the job no one else can do. So they offer their services, knowing that they are the only ones who can help people looking for love spells that work.

Love spell casterOne of the questions sent by my website readers:

“I did some love spell works many years ago. It worked fine and we dated for a few months. We were happy together but eventually we broke up because our feelings faded away. That man died about a year ago. I’ve been seeing him in my dreams since. He’s begging me to let him go. I read a lot of articles about how love spells work but I still don’t understand what it is. So should I be worried or not? It is real? Is it my ex-boyfriend’s spirit or I’m just having some psychological issues due to his death?”

My answer:

It happens sometimes, especially when love spells that work bind not only your energies but also your karma. In this case the late person, in order to move to another world, needs to be freed from the past relationship. The love spell, even if it is no longer working, keeps him within our realm. It violates the laws of the Universe so this man needs to be freed.

Contact me and I will see what I can do for you. For your information, I also work with the energies of the world of the dead, so most likely I will be able to help you solve your problem.

One of the questions sent by my website readers:

“I was two months pregnant when I cast a love spell on a man. Then I learned I shouldn’t have done it. My labor is coming soon and I’m terrified. What’s going to happen to me now? What’s going to happen to my baby? I’m scared. What if my baby will have to pay for my mistake?”

My answer:

You are right. It was really silly of you to do any love spell works while you were pregnant. Women should not perform magic rituals even during their periods. It can be fatal to them and to their children. As far as I see, nothing bad has happened yet, meaning you have a chance for salvation. Contact me as soon as possible and I will protect you and your baby, warding off the disaster you brought on yourself by casting that love spell.

One of the questions sent by my website readers:

“I have no feelings left for my wife but I don’t want to divorce her. We’ve been together for so long that I can’t imagine my life without her. I need her. I guess she sees what’s going on, so she’s becoming more and more distant. I wonder how love spell works and if you have a love spell to give us lost feelings back.”

My answer:

There is one great ritual designed for spouses dealing with a crisis in marriage. It is great because the spouses can be honest with each other about it. They do not have to hide anything. In addition, this spell can be cast by just one of the spouses without the other one knowing about it. Its description can be found in the video below. Even though this ritual is to be performed by both spouses, you can perform it by yourself if your better half does not want to get involved.

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