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TEST – Can you buy love spells properly?
Below is a new test designed to help you understand if you can buy love spells from a powerful spellcaster. Why is it important? Well, fist answer the following questions. Please give yes or no-answers and in the end sum up all your yes-answers.
1. You have never tried to buy a spell, online or physical, before.
2. You have never used magic before.
3. You do not have books about magic, witchcraft, yoga, or astrology.
4. You do not know what “magic retribution” is.
5. You are confident you have some magic powers.
7. You expect fast results if you buy spells.
8. When you buy love spells, their effect is permanent.
9. White magic is strong, but black magic is more reliable.
10. Everyone claiming to be a spellcaster can cast spells.
11. They have the knowledge it takes to cast spells.
12. A love spell can be put on any person, including those who do not know you.
13. A love spell can be put on anyone, including those who are currently in a relationship.
14. Love spells can be put on public persons and celebrities.
15. To cast a love spell, the spellcaster needs to know only the target’s name.
16. When you buy a spell, its price depends on how professional the spellcaster thinks he is.
17. Good-quality spells can be cheap.
18. You have found spellcasters offering their rituals with no prepayment, offering payment by monthly installments, or post-payment options.
19. You like such offers because you think it is fair – you pay only after you get what you wanted.
20. By casting a love spell, the spellcaster commands the target to fall in love with the customer.
21. Your actions cannot break your love spell or make it weaker.
22. The spellcaster needs to have a respected name.

23. The more titles and awards the spellcaster has, the better.
24. You may work with a spellcaster whose ad you found in your mailbox.
25. It is a very bad idea to buy spells online
26. The spellcaster has to meet you in person to cast a good-quality spell.
27. Rituals may be performed any time.
28. When you want to buy love spells but the spellcaster suggests that you wait for a while, you should find another one who will sell you his spells immediately.
29. The spellcaster does not have to give his clients any instructions.
30. You can share information about your spellcaster and your work with him through your blog.

31. You can do it through your social media accounts.
32. For better results, it is better to buy a spell from two spellcasters at the same time.
33. When you buy spells from two different spellcasters, you may also hire another one to tell your fortune to monitor the work of the first two spellcasters.
34. By blaming you for a failed spell, the spellcaster is trying to conceal his lack of professionalism and poor skills.
35. Instead of trying to buy love spells, it is better to cast one on your own, given that all necessary information is available on the Internet.
36. You do not know you are not loved.
37. You have not had spellcasters examine you for a celibacy wreath and other subtle body disorders.
38. You do not know what personal karma is.
39. You do not know what family karma is.
40. You do not need to know it to buy a spell.
41. The spellcaster is not allowed to refuse service to his clients.
42. When you buy spells, it is better to work with witches rather than sorcerers, because in this case the gender of the seller matters.
43. You believe that an experienced spellcaster may be in his thirties because being a spellcaster is a gift rather than an acquired skill.
44. True spellcasters and witches look like those from Harry Potter.
45. By convincing you to buy a charm instead of a spell, the spellcaster is trying to trick you out of your money.
46. You do not know that magiс can be used not only to make other people fall in love with you, but also to change you in a way so that other people cannot help loving you.
47. The strongest love spells are voodoo magic love spells or African love spells.
48. Any spellcaster can cast a spell to make you happy. No matter what kind of magic is used, it can make your partner love you and take care about you.
49. When you buy love spells, you expect the spellcaster to report on everything he does.
50. If the spellcaster fails to cast a spell properly the first time, you have to pay for a second try, and this time the price can be 50 to 70% lower than the initial one.
51. You do not know how to check the spellcaster’s website for stolen content.
52. You will not agree with your spellcaster if he tells you that you are not ready yet to buy a spell because you know yourself better than anyone.
53. Right now you are in a relationship but want to cast a love spell not on your partner.
54. You have never been popular with the opposite sex. A love spell is your last chance to find true love.
55. You are younger than 21 years of age, but it does not stop you from using magic.
56. The target of your love spell is younger than 18 years of age.
57. You do not know your beloved that well and want to get to know him or her better after the love spell brings you together.
58. You are considering a possibility of casting three love spells on three people because that way at least one of them must fall in love with you.
59. Your relatives have never been happy in their relationships.
60. You are afraid of using a love spell but you are willing to overcome this fear. You have nightmares about it but you prefer to ignore them.
60 – 50 – You do not know the first thing about magic. I honestly pity you because you are like a helpless child who can fall for the simplest scam easily. You will buy spells from the first person who promises you a miracle. Unfortunately, when you realize the miracle is not going to happen, it will be too late.
Luckily, I am one of the world’s leading spellcasters and you can buy a spell from me.
50 – 40 – Even though you are still very easy to fool, you have one big advantage – you listen to other people’s opinions and learn fast. Here is my professional advice to you: before you buy spells, study my website. It will help you understand what magic really is and how to avoid frauds.
40 – 30 – You are not very easy to fool, but you have some weak spots. One of them is your self-assurance which makes you think you are smarter than professional magic practitioners. Secondly, you think quality spells can be cheap. Overcome your weaknesses, try to trust spellcasters like myself, listen to them and believe in their ability to improve your life, and you will always buy love spells only from professional spellcasters.
30 – 20 – You are quite good at magic but you do not know all. Besides, you tend to believe myths and legends rather than professional spellcasters. It will pass. After you buy a spell from a fraud a couple of times, you will understand that such people cannot be trusted and you should stay away from them in case you want good-quality results.
20 – 10 – You have good knowledge of magic so you will not buy spells from frauds. Let me congratulate you on it. You are impossible to fool because you know what you want and who can give it to you. This information is not new to you because you know it is your knowledge that has brought you to me.
10 – 0 – You do not need my advice. You took this test in order to prove to yourself you have deep and comprehensive knowledge of magic. You are right, you do! You know everything about magic. Therefore you may now buy love spells from me and not worry about anything.
To solve your problem please e-mail me spellcaster.maxim@gmail.com
or give me your message using this feedback form
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