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Casting an easy spell for love at home
Voodoo love spells using hair
“My best friend cast some voodoo love spells using hair to make a man fall in love with her. It was eight years ago. They’re married now. I believe her and I have no reason not to, because we’ve been really close for many years.
So, eight years ago she put a love spell on her husband using hair. At first they were just friends but then they got married. They have two children. They love each other and seem to be happy. They’re a good example of the effect of casting voodoo love spells using hair. It’s so great that I can’t help thinking that I want to do it, too. I mean I want to put a love spell on a man, too.

Well, naturally, I want to ask you to do it. But before I place an order, I’d like to clarify something. I know that voodoo magic originated in Africa. My girlfriend is half African. I’m not. What if voodoo love spells won’t help me?”
I have been saying it repeatedly that the quality of a ritual depends not on the type of magic it belongs to or if you and the spell have similar roots, but on the skills and powers of your spellcaster. If your spellcaster is skilled and experienced, he will perform his voodoo ritual properly even without being a voodoo shaman. Similarly, an inexperienced voodoo shaman will probably fail.
I, spellcaster Maxim, specialize in several branches of magic. It allows me to offer different spells to different people. I can put voodoo spells and Slavic spells on Catholics, and Muslim spells on Buddhists. The key to success is my experience and my powers.
“I want to cast voodoo love spells using hair. I want to cast them on a man. There is one problem though. He’s bold. He doesn’t shave his head. He’s just bold. He has eyebrows and eyelashes but absolutely no hair on his head. Should I find another love spell to cast?”
To cast a hair love spell, you usually need the hair of the man or the woman the spell is put on. However, the hair is not the key to success here. Let me explain it to you. This spell is cast with the use of a gris-gris bag. You put hair, herbs, charms and other artifacts into it which contribute to the formation of an energy clot. The spellcaster uses this clot to create a program to cast the love spell.
In this case hair is intended to show the spell where to land. Hair contains the energy and gene codes of the person, allowing the spell to locate its target. Instead of hair, you can use nails, saliva, skin, sperm, eyelashes, chest hair, etc. Put it into the bag and your spell will work just fine.
“Can you tell us how to cast voodoo love spells using hair at home?”
I will not share this recipe with you. This ritual should not be performed at home. It applies to all voodoo spells. When cast by inexperienced magic practitioners, they do more harm than good. There are two reasons for it. Firstly, the same voodoo spirits are in charge of different voodoo rituals. Thus, they can carry both – health and death, love and loneliness. Just one slip of the tongue and your spirit may misunderstand you and give you the opposite of what you asked for. Voodoo magic is very dangerous and destructive, so the consequences are usually horrible.
Secondly, voodoo spirits are very revengeful. They do not like to be bothered by those who have not been initiated to become a true sorcerer or a shaman. If you reach out to them, they will try to get even. You will be punished before you even complete the ritual.
“I’m pretty good at magic. I even know how gris-gris bags work. But I don’t understand what happens to them afterwards.
Let’s assume I order a ritual to influence a person. The magic practitioner asks me to send some biomaterial of the target. With its help, the spellcaster forms a magic combination allowing him to influence the person in a certain way. In this case, it is making this person fall in love. When the customer gets what he or she wanted, the customer thanks the spellcaster and they say good bye to each other. However, the spellcaster still has that gris-gris bag which can be used to influence the target again.
Hence my question: Can the spellcaster use the gris-gris bag for manipulation or other purposes?”
I can answer your question from different perspectives. From the perspective of professional ethics, having cast some voodoo spells using hair, the spellcaster has no right to try to influence the target again. From the mystical perspective, magic is not possible unless there is a customer. The effectiveness of voodoo love spells using hair largely depends not only on the spellcaster but also on the customer’s feelings.
From the professional perspective, gris-gris bags lose their magic powers as soon as the ritual is completed. Gris-gris bags are disposable. They release all their energy during the ritual.
Moreover, when the order has been executed, the spellcaster takes out the contents utilizing them in a special manner. The magic practitioner utilizes the bag too, as it cannot be reused.
“Can one cast voodoo love spells using hair only with a gris-gris bag? Will it work if I use a voodoo doll?”
Casting such spells using a voodoo doll is a terrible idea. Voodoo dolls are used to curse people. Therefore, such rituals shall not be performed by you or even by professional magic practitioners.
I have met people who buried or burned down their voodoo dolls after the love ritual. They imitated a death ritual without knowing it. No, they did not kill the target by it. In most cases, they put a death curse on themselves. Had they not known me, they would have been dead by now.
This is why only a gris-gris bag should be used in voodoo love spells. Such spells are relatively safe. In addition, the negative consequences of such spells are easier to remove.
For more information about gris-gris bags, please watch the video below.
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