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An experienced spell caster dispels the myths about real love spells

Homepage Practical magic An experienced spell caster dispels the myths about real love spells
Esoteric, astrologer, writer

Being a powerful spell caster, I often hear that real love spells do not and cannot work in the modern world. Those supporting this theory offer numerous arguments. I will tell you what they are for you to understand that these people are deeply mistaken.

Modern real love spells

Casting real love spells that actually workThe first argument which is supposed to prove that there is no place in our world for real love spells that actually work is the fact that modern generations are born with higher energy levels than their ancestors which makes it impossible for real love spell casters to control them.

Writing this paragraph made me, spell caster Maxim, think whether I had to explode the myths surrounding real love spells right away or I had better do so later in a separate list. I thought about it and decided not to postpone dispelling the myths and tell you how matters stand right away.

The efficiency of a real love spell that actually works does not depend on the energy levels of the object of the love spell. Yes, modern people do have higher energy levels than those living a few centuries ago. However, you should not forget that modern spell casters have higher energy levels, too. This means the energy levels of today’s real love spell casters are high enough to ensure that their love spells bring the desired results.

Modern real spell casters that actually work

A second argument is that today many of those who claim to be spell casters are liars and their real love spells are useless.

On the one hand, I totally agree with this statement. Indeed, there are too many frauds today and just mentally unstable people claiming to be real love spell casters. However, this article is about real love spell casters which is why we should not discuss liars and crazy people here. Consequently, if real love spells are cast by a real spell caster, the spells will prove efficient fulfilling the wishes of the client, whether it is a man, woman, husband, lover, etc.

It does not matter for a real love spell caster who his client is ordering his real love spells that actually work. The stronger the spell caster, the fewer terms he makes. Thus, inexperienced spell casters lay down multiple terms warning their clients that if they fail to meet any of them, their real love spells will fail to bring the desired results.

To be honest, I make terms, too. However, there are not many of them and they are easy to meet. Thus, I will not cast real love spells that actually work without examining the client magically because the efficiency of my spells and the client’s and my safety depend on the results of this examination. Secondly, I refuse to arouse love if I see it will make someone suffer or will introduce fatal changes into someone’s fate. Possible victims include my clients ordering my real love spells and the objects of love spells. Occasionally (I do not want to go into detail right now and I will let you know when it happens if you need to know it) I refuse to cast spells without a photograph or personal thing of the object of magic and information about this person’s date and place of birth.

Real love spells that work

Real love spell candle that actually workA third myth is that today people who were cast real love spells on can find information on the Internet on how to break their spells fast and safely. First and foremost, if a love spell is cast on you by a powerful spell caster, you will hardly find out about it ever. Without knowing about your spell, you will never try to find information on how to remove real love spells that actually work and never try to break your spell on your own.

If a love spell is cast by a beginning and inexperienced spell caster, the object of the love spell will have joint pain and rash. The spell will affect his sleep and appetite. Also, this person may suffer from panic attacks and depression, be aggressive and weepy. These changes can be explained by the fact that poorly cast love spells tend to damage the subtle bodies of the object of magic.

A definite sign that someone is trying to influence you through real love spell casters is the fact that you fall in love with someone but your love seems unnatural, wrong and dirty to you and it makes you feel ashamed. The person you are attracted to irritates you and you cannot be around him or her for a long time. You may experience what is known as “split emotions,” a state when your heart is filled with love, while you mind keeps saying that the person you love is not a good match for you, that you should break up and your relationship will end badly.

This brings us to the myth that all real love spells that actually work make people suffer. Do you remember how I said I do not perform love rituals without examining my clients magically? Well, I need to examine my clients to make sure the people I unite with the use of love magic will not make each other suffer.

I do not cast love spells if the examination shows the future relationship might make the couple unhappy. Needless to say, each person has a right to live his life the way he wants – being happy or suffering. However, I do not want to be even a remote cause of anyone’s unhappiness so I refuse to perform rituals which might make someone suffer.

Some believe if a ritual is performed professionally, it cannot do harm to anyone and it does not matter who performs the ritual, an experienced spell caster or an amateur. However, this statement contradicts itself for a person lacking experience is unable to perform a ritual as required. Amateurs make their first mistake the moment they start preparing for the ritual. For example, most websites offering magic recipes fail to mention the fact that some ritual should be performed over a waning moon or that a three-day fast is needed before another one. Yes, you should abstain from all food for three days prior to casting a spell. Also, you should not drink coffee, smoke or use any other stimulants. If you break this simple rule, you will not be able to cast your spell successfully.

Love spells that really work, cast on your own

Perhaps, the last myth is that the services offered by real love spell casters are too expensive which is why it is better to cast love spells on your own. If you are going to cast a love spell on your own, remember that:

  • There is a 96% chance that you will hurt yourself while performing your ritual;
  • The price for further treatment of your subtle bodies and fate usually exceeds $5,000 to $7,000;
  • It is about ten times as cheap to use the services of a professional spell caster rather than asking the spell caster to eliminate the consequences of your failed magic experience.

Hence the question: is it worth to be greedy when it comes to real love spells? 

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