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Psychic love spells. An interview with spellcaster Maxim

Homepage Practical magic Psychic love spells. An interview with spellcaster Maxim
Esoteric, astrologer, writer

"As far as I understand, psychic love spells are a new trend. I’ve never heard of them before."

Spellcaster Maxim replies:

Any psychic love spell is as ancient as magic or even the world itself. People have different ideas of love, and they want different things from a relationship. For some people, the most important thing in the relationship is sex. For others, it is romance, the fact that they are not lonely or have someone providing for them.

Open your favorite classic book and I’m pretty sure you will find a detailed description of a relationship created by a love spells psychic, or a search or a fight for it. If a character fails to find love, there is a tragedy unfolding, with people suffering and their hearts broken.  


Why have I never heard about love spell psychics then? Does it have to do with some fashion trends?

Spellcaster Maxim replies:

Psychic love spellsFashion trends depend on people’s lifestyle. When material energy starts dominating, people begin to dream of a relationship of convenience. Women want to sell themselves at a higher price, while men work hard to buy the sexiest woman they can find. When there are wars in the world, women find themselves attracted to warriors, the men who can protect them, while men want to be with women who’ll wait for them.

But times change and we are about to enter the era predicted by hundreds of magic practitioners. Among today’s self-interested and cowardly society, there are more and more people who don’t need much money to be happy and who don’t need protection because the world is not as aggressive as before. They want to find true love and psychics love spells are the best for them.


Perhaps, I don’t understand something. You say a love spell psychic can give people pure and sincere love, but is it possible to have such a relationship if the person is forced to love you?

Spellcaster Maxim replies:

It depends on the rituals you are using. Let me remind you that the rituals forcing people to love usually belong to black magic. Psychic love spells belong to white magic which doesn’t force anyone to do anything. When a psychic love spell is cast, the following four things happen:

  • You remove negativity from your future partner’s energies;

  • You revive his karmic memory, reminding him that he’s always wanted to find true love;

  • Having woken him up, you encourage him to start looking for the perfect partner;

  • You offer yourself to him as his partner.

A love spells psychic unites two pure souls which start living together willingly, with one soul helping the other reach the first one’s level.


Does it mean those who want to use the services of love spell psychics need to go through some serious self-improvement? Become magic practitioners?

Spellcaster Maxim replies:

Only someone who’s never loved can ask such questions. True love is what helps people embrace their true greatness and discover their talents. People in love can achieve great success in their field. Therefore, artists and poets always strive for love – they know it’s the most inspirational thing in the world. Artists create their best masterpieces when they are in love.


What about non-artists?

Spellcaster Maxim replies:

Love, especially the one created by a love spell psychic, changes everyone. Thus, businessmen, scientists, medical professionals, and teachers achieve their greatest success when inspired by love.

You forget that art is everywhere in life: when you renovate your home, cook, raise children, decide what to wear, make love… When we create something, we feel happy. A boring life is not when you do the same things every day. It’s when you give up art.

The other day I happened to talk to a sushi chef who said he was happy despite the fact that he’d been doing the same thing for the last 30 years – making sushi. He says it’s his desire to always make it special and delicious. When he succeeds, he knows he’s making a difference in this world.

Casting psychic love spellsQuestion:

You’ve mentioned sex. Aren’t these things mutually exclusive, sex and psychics love spells? As far as I understand, psychic love spells activate the upper chakras, while good sex requires the lower energy centers activated. I’m confused.

Spellcaster Maxim replies:

Yes, a psychic love spell needs the energy of the upper chakras. But sex between the people united by a love spells psychic doesn’t exclude it. It’s just that the sex is a little different. Most people consider their sex life not boring only when they have multiple sex partners or use various gadgets or roleplay in sex.

Unlike them, people united by love spell psychics, focus on how gentle and loving they are in bed and how much pleasure they give to their partners. When they make love, their energies merge and attract the energy of the Earth and the Universe. As a result, their sex is different and special every time and they never get bored of it.


It sounds good but I personally find it hard to believe…

Spellcaster Maxim replies:

It’s because the services of a love spell psychic are not for everyone. As I’ve said, psychics love spells should be used only by the people who want to find true romantic love and are ready to work hard to maintain it. Those looking for money or an easy life won’t benefit from psychic love spells.

I know multiple love spells which can be used instead of a psychic love spell. Therefore, if some of my customers come to me following some fashion treads on the services of a love spells psychic or due to not understanding the principle of this kind of magic, I always offer them some other options to choose from.

How do you know that one person can benefit from love spell psychics but another one can’t?

Spellcaster Maxim replies:

I am a spellcaster and being a spellcaster and just knowing some rituals are different things. I can much more than just perform magic rituals. I can read people’s minds, see the future, and determine the true reasons why people come to me. When someone asks me to work as their love spell psychic, I know for sure if that’s what this person actually needs or not.


As you say, if you want magic to work, you need to have certain esoteric talents. Does it mean psychic love spells can’t be performed by people who are not magic practitioners?

Spellcaster Maxim replies:

True love turns people into magicians. It actives the abilities enabling them to change the reality. Therefore, when such people cast psychic love spells, they usually succeed, provided the following terms are met:

- They manage to accumulate enough energy;

- They manage to cleanse it;

- They manage to select the right ritual;

- They select the right day for the casting of their psychic love spell (they work only if cast on specific dates);

- They take measures to protect themselves.

If all of the terms are met, the spell brings the desired result.


You sound like it’s so easy to do! But how can I, a person who’s never performed magic, know how to accumulate and clean my energy? How can I determine the right date to perform a ritual?

Spellcaster Maxim replies:

I created my website several years ago and it has dozens of articles about ritual magic, energy, protection, etc. Don’t be lazy. Read at least some of the articles and you will probably find all the information needed to perform the ritual properly.


Including those performed by the love spells psychic?

Spellcaster Maxim replies:

Yes, in my articles you can find all the information needed to become one of the successful love spell psychics.

What psychics love spells are the best?

Spellcaster Maxim replies:

I have a piece of advice for all those who have the same question: your solution is in the spells cast with the use of photos, personal things, gifts, food, and drinks. They are going to be the most effective for you. Naturally, you should avoid black magic spells. Psychic love spells mustn’t be cast with the use of blood or things hidden at the place of the target. It’s very dangerous to cast a psychic love spell using voodoo magic. Also, it’s dangerous to cast spells as a love spells psychic when the moon is waning, when you have your period, or when a solar or lunar eclipse is close.


Who are better love spell psychics, men or women?

Spellcaster Maxim replies:

Your question results from a popular misconception, according to which women can love stronger than men. It’s not true. Moreover, I have more male clients than female ones who are looking for love or can’t overcome a breakup. In my experience, men want to be in monogamous relationship not less than women do.

It does not matter if a love spell psychic is a man or a woman. What matters is how strong their feelings are and this is what determines the effectiveness of psychics love spells. If your feelings aren’t strong, your love spell will fail and you’ll just waste your energy.


Thank you for your interview. However, there is one question which I believe a lot of people would like to ask you. Can people reach out to you with personal questions?

Spellcaster Maxim replies:

Let me repeat it. All the information you need to cast psychic love spells can be found in my previous articles. So before you reach out to me, please read them. In addition, I suggest that you also watch a video which contains a ton of useful information for everyone who wants to cast psychics love spells at home. I’m pretty sure it’ll cover all your questions. 

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