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Casting love spells that work before getting married

Homepage Spellsbook Love spells Casting love spells that work before getting married

Esoteric, astrologer, writer

A question from a website reader:

“The other day I was reading one of your articles and learned that the best day for casting love spells that work was the wedding day. Unfortunately, you didn’t give any details, but me and I’m sure a lot of other readers would be happy to know more about it. Is there a chance that one day you’ll write an article about it?”

Spellcaster Maxim’s reply:

Casting love spells that workI agree, it is a very interesting subject. I will be pleased to answer all your questions about it. Moreover, I will tell you how to turn your wedding into a love ritual and how to cast love spells that work if you or your close relatives are getting married. However, I will tell you about it later. Perhaps, at the end of this article. In the meantime, I will be happy to answer your questions about how to cast love spells that work.

A question from a website reader:

“What makes the wedding day so special when it comes to casting love spells that work?”

Spellcaster Maxim’s reply:

To begin with, love spells can be cast on other days, too. Not everyone wants to get married. Not all couples truly love each other. Even not all married couples love each other. Therefore those who know how to cast love spells that work (I mean magic practitioners) can help you at any relationship stage you are in.

As I said, the wedding day is a special day. Higher Powers are among the guests determining how long the spouses will be together, if they will be happy, if they deserve happiness, etc. So if love spells that work are cast on a wedding day, their effect is strengthened by many times, as those making your wish come true are around.

A question from a website reader:

“Which rituals are you talking about?”

Rituals vary. Thus, you can exchange special vows or have your wedding ceremony take place at a special venue – one of the places known as places of power. You can bake special bread for the bride and the groom or put a spell on the bouquet to make sure the bride does not throw away her happiness when she tosses the bouquet (a common wedding tradition).

If you let me help you, I will select a method of casting love spells that work that is perfect specifically for you. However, I will charge a certain price for it as for any other service offered by me.

A question from a website reader:

“What about the priest attending the wedding? Won’t he interfere with the spell?”

Spellcaster Maxim’s reply:

I have been repeatedly saying that modern priests are not priests. A long time ago priests possessed magical abilities and could understand spellcasters. Today, when any person can become a priest, such thing as church or religious magic is out of the question.

In the past, priests knew how to cast love spells that work. Their religious rites had power. They protected people against black forces or human meanness; they tied together people’s fates keeping them in love with each other forever. Unfortunately, today such skills are completely lost in priests. As a result, their only obligation is to remind the groom and the bride that it is time to exchange the wedding rings.

A question from a website reader:

“Are you saying that today no one can cast love spells that work at a wedding?”

Spellcaster Maxim’s reply:

Invite a powerful spellcaster to your wedding and he will do it for you. He will create and start a special program to give the newlyweds the life they have always wanted. Speaking of casting love spells that work, it can be done by any professional magic practitioner. The list of the wishes I can make come true is endless and I can add luck and happiness to any aspect of your life or that of your children.

A question from a website reader:

“I know my question’s going to give away the fact that I don’t know how to cast love spells that work, but I have to ask it. The question is: Do the wedding rings matter for the future happiness of the newlyweds? They say the bigger the gem is, the happier the bride will be, and that the price of the rings impacts the spouses’ future life, too.”

Spellcaster Maxim’s reply:

Magic book to cast love spells that workI have to disappoint you. The only good thing about an expensive wedding ring is that the bride can show it off to her girlfriends. When you cast spells that work, the material and price of the wedding rings do not impact the effectiveness of the spell.

As for the gems, let me remind you some ancient Greek legend. I believe you know that Prometheus gave fire to mankind and taught people different sciences. The Gods did not like it and chained him to a rock as his eternal punishment. When Zeus took pity on him, he ordered to make a ring from one of the links of the chain and to attach a piece of the rock to it Prometheus was chained to. Prometheus was freed but had to wear the ring all the time as if he was still a captive of that rock.

There are multiples versions of this legend in different cultures. Besides, gemstone rings were considered a good investment. People would sell their rings when they needed money.

Now process it and tell me what kind of life you choose when you exchange gemstone rings at your wedding. A life being chained to a rock? You do not need to know how to cast love spells that work to understanding that gemstone wedding rings are not a great start for your future married life. Stoneless rings are much better for a wedding. If possible, turn them into protective charms by casting love spells that work on them. Do it before the wedding. If you are already married, I can cast love spells that work on your wedding rings to give them some magical properties.

A question from a website reader:

“What kind of properties?”

Spellcaster Maxim’s reply:

“These can be any properties you want. Your rings can protect you against infidelity, make your marriage strong and long-lasting, keep your sex drive high, or make you, your spouse and children healthy.”

A question from a website reader:

“Does it mean wedding rings can be charged by different methods of casting love spells that work?”

Spellcaster Maxim’s reply:

You can use different rituals but choose only one thing, such as health, love, money, etc.

A question from a website reader:

“Can you teach me how to cast love spells that work on wedding rings?”

Spellcaster Maxim’s reply:

I am sorry but I cannot tell you it. To cast love spells that work, you need to be a powerful spellcaster. If you try to put a spell on your wedding rings, you will fail. Moreover, you can give your rings some destructive properties which will ultimately ruin your marriage.

A question from a website reader:

“Speaking of casting love spells that work, can you turn my husband’s ring into a money amulet and my ring into a youth and beauty amulet?”

Spellcaster Maxim’s reply:

No, both rings are to be charged with the same program and their energies are in sync. Fortunately, if you want, you can buy one of my amulets based on what you want – money, sex, fidelity, youth, love, etc. I know how to cast love spells that work plus I make powerful and reliable amulets. Buy one or several amulets and make all your dreams come true.

A question from a website reader:

“Should I cast love spells that work to turn the wedding rings into magic amulets specifically on the wedding day?”

Spellcaster Maxim’s reply:

No, you can improve your life by turning your rings into your magic amulets any time. All people can take advantage of amulets, but remember that one amulet can have only one master – the one wearing it and treating it with care. This person will become your family’s “guardian angel” keeping everyone happy.

A question from a website reader:

“I’m considering casting love spells that work, but it’s going to be my second marriage. Won’t it be a problem?”

Spellcaster Maxim’s reply:

It will not, even though many sorcerers and witches believe it is wrong. In my opinion, every person deserves to be happy. If someone fails to find happiness in their first marriage, it does not make them bad people and it does not deprive them of their rights.

A question from a website reader:

“Can such rituals be performed for same-sex couples?”

Spellcaster Maxim’s reply:

Yes, of course. I practice same-sex love magic and cast such love spells.

A question from a website reader:

“How to cast love spells that work and protect the people at the same time? It’s very important to me because I know weddings are highly susceptible to envy and jealousy.”

Spellcaster Maxim’s reply:

You are right. Despite Higher Powers’ presence, future newlyweds are very vulnerable at their wedding. For this reason many years ago people would always invite a witch or a sorcerer to their weddings. They could see negative energies and protect the bride and the groom along with their future marriage.

A question from a website reader:

“Are there any ways to protect the bride and the groom other than having a sorcerer at the wedding?”

Spellcaster Maxim’s reply:

You can buy a protection amulet. If your spellcaster cast love spells that work on your amulet properly, you will have a powerful tool to protect the newlyweds during their wedding and after it (possibly all their life).

Now let us talk about some simple rituals to protect your marriage from future problems.

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