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Casting an easy spell for love at home
Effective black magic spells for love marriage
Every girl dreams of love. She wants not only to love, but to be loved. Unfortunately, many women get disappointment in their life partner at some point. Finding a soul-make is difficult but possible, and this is where effective black magic spells for a love marriage can be of much help.
A black magic ritual for a love marriage

This marriage ritual belongs to a very complicated type of magic. To make it effective, it is important not only to correctly perform all the described actions, but also to think, dream, and visualize the final result correctly.
Before you start performing the ritual, prepare yourself. Remember that all your dreams and thoughts must be positive, while you need to be sure that you will be able to find your soul-mate, and magic will become your ally in this matter. Try to decide in advance what kind of man you want to see as your husband and think what he is going to look like, paying attention to the smallest details.
Should your husband-to-be be tall? What about the color of his eyes and hair? What shape are his lips going to be? What is he going to do for a living? How will he treat you? Create a portrait of your future husband specifying all the important details. Be bold! The more details, the better. Without knowing what exactly you want, you cannot count on the support of a Higher Power.
An ancient Slavic ritual. Black magic for a happy marriage
It is an ancient, effective and beautiful spell which has been helping Russian women for many centuries to find love or to improve the already existing relationship with the husband.
To perform this magical ritual, you need to prepare two items to bring as gifts to Goddess Makosh. You can use any things you want as long as one is significantly bigger than the other. According to some sources, our great-grandmothers used young tree twigs as a gift.
Wake up early in the morning, go out to the balcony or outside, and pick up the gifts prepared for the Goddess. Turn your face to the sun and throw the smaller gift to the right of yourself, and the bigger one to the left. Focus on your wish (find love, attract your loved one, improve the existing relationship, etc.) and whisper,
Mother Makosh, please take the gifts from me. They are visible, yet imperceptible. I could keep them for myself, but I am giving them to you, mother. I hope you, Makosh, will help me find love, and give me health, happiness and joy in exchange for the gifts. Let there be peace and harmony all over the world. Let there be life for all living things. Thank you, mother, for your help.
When you come home, wash your face with cool water without wiping it. In a few weeks you will notice some big changes happening in your life. Do not be scared. Everything will be amazing.
As soon as you see that your dreams begin to come true, buy a good bottle of red wine and pour it on the ground. This is how you express your gratitude to Goddess Makosh for her help. By doing this, you will establish a good connection with the Goddess to be able to reach out to her over and over again when needed.
Black magic spells for a love marriage and Slavic rituals for a successful life
This is another ancient magical ritual which still brings excellent results. For this ritual, you need three cherry tree chips and a ripe pear. Cut the pear in half and whisper,
I am as lonely as the two halves of the pear broken apart with the knife.
Now put the halves of the pear back together and secure them with the cherry chips (bottom, middle and top). After that, say,
As these two parts are united in a single piece, I (your name) will find my missing part, driving away my sadness and loneliness. Be it so!
Wrap the pear in a clean shawl made from natural fabric and leave it under any fruit tree. It is important that the tree is alive. Perform the ritual in the first days of the growing moon before sunset.
Black magic marriage spells cast on smoke

Take a sheet of paper, write down the following spell and say it aloud,
I will wake up, God’s servant (name) early in the morning, I will wash my face, I will leave my clean hut and go out in the field, a remote one, and turn my eyes to the East. I will see three ovens standing there: brick, iron and copper. As these ovens flare up, so will the heart of God’s servant (name) do for me. My words are stronger than steel, denser than copper, firmer than brick. Be it so! Amen.
Roll up the paper, put it inside a dry wormwood branch, and set it on fire. Say the spell again over the smoke coming from the burning brunch.
An apple spell cast on the new moon
Perform this ritual with an apple. The key is not to miss any signs given by the apple.
For many centuries, the apple has been a symbol of love magic and apples have been used in a variety of ancient rituals.
One of such rituals is a ritual that reveals the name of your future husband. To perform it, peel a ripe apple. The apple peel should fall on the floor forming the letters and indicating the name of your future husband.
Apart from apples, apple blossom is also widely used in such rituals. It is believed to be a magnificent talisman to attract love. For better results, carry the blossom with you at all times, and keep it under your bed at night.
Symoron rituals
Symoron is a popular technique for managing one’s destiny. Due to its high effectiveness, is also called real magic. Symoron rituals for attracting love and successful marriage are very diverse, but for each of them there are certain rules that must be remembered and followed.
Guidelines to perform Symoron rituals:
1. Forget that you are alone and do not be upset about it, as negative emotions and feelings always have a negative impact on your life. Be happy even if you are single, believing that when the time comes you will meet someone you would want to spend your whole life with.
2. Live your life as if you have already found your love. Think about him and visualize him. Sooner or later you will meet the right man corresponding to all your requirements and needs.
3. Use the Symoron practices on a regular basis to manage your destiny, your dreams, and your inner strength.
A Symoron ritual to attract love
To carry out this Symoron ritual, you need a new pair of high-quality red boots.
Buy them, bring them home and speak to them as if the boots can actually hear and understand you. Believe in it and the result will not take long. Tell the boots that you are charging them with the energy of love, turning them into a magnet to attract a future husband. Put the boots in a place so that they could be seen from the street.
A red pantie ritual
This is perhaps is the funniest Symoron ritual to attract a man into your life. You can perform this ritual on the 11th day of any month, and repeat it every month until your dreams are fulfilled.
Get a new red pantie. Soak it in warm tap water and think about your man in detail. Throw the pantie on the chandelier three times and leave it there for 3 days. Every time you look at it, try to feel as if you have already met your perfect man.
While throwing your pantie, tell about your intentions and dreams. When the pantie gets stuck, stamp your foot and snap your fingers three times.
Do you want to know even a better and easier love spell? Contact me and I will teach you how to cast it.
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