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Using a spell for weight loss to do good and to do evil

Homepage Articles Black magic spells Using a spell for weight loss to do good and to do evil
Esoteric, astrologer, writer

Before telling you about the spell for weight loss, I want to warn all those who want to cast it on their own in order to lose weight. Remember, if something goes wrong, your weight loss spell will turn into a weight loss curse that will cause you a lot of suffering. It’s like having AIDS or anorexia! It will affect your health to a great extent and you’ll find yourself on the verge of death! Medicine will be powerless, and a powerful spell caster will be the only one who will be able to save your life. 

That’s why I warn you against casting any weight loss spell on your own.

Instead of risking your health and life, contact me! I will cast a spell for weight loss on you professionally and you will start losing weight right away. 

I would also like to warn you against working with black magic spell casters and sorcerers. They prefer to cast a weight loss curse. Unlike the weight loss spell, the weight loss curse works in the following way: some alien being gets into your subtle bodies and starts consuming your energy, boosting your metabolism. After a while, the alien will no longer be satisfied with your energy. That’s when it’ll try to take control of your mind. Losing weight, you won’t eat less, but overeating eventually leads to digestive system disorders and diabetes, while increased cholesterol levels may cause a heart attack or a stroke. 

Casting weight loss spellsThat’s why make sure that the spell caster you’re working with practices white magic and your spell is going to be a white  magic spell for weight loss. That way, your spell will never turn into a weight loss curse! 

A white magic weight loss spell works in a different manner. If cast properly, it starts influencing your subtle bodies and mind, making you lose weight. First and foremost, you stop being obsessed with food and start eating when you are actually hungry. Secondly, the spell changes your attitude to foods – you get to enjoy healthy foods, while junk foods no longer make you happy. Also, it changes your attitude to being full and being hungry. You will longer enjoy the feeling of being full. On the contrary, now you’ll enjoy the feeling of being a little hungry. 

Your spell for weight loss will influence your body. 

If cast by a skillful spell caster with a gift of healing, the spell will clear your body of chemical waste and salts. Moreover, it will boost your metabolism and rejuvenate your digestive system. As a result, you will feel light and full of energy due to the full rejuvenation of your body. 

Order a weight loss spell from me and I will cast it on you remotely, given you provide me with your photograph or some personal thing in advance. Also, I can cast a weight loss spell on any of your family members and friends. If you want, I can make sure they will never ever find out about it.

If you are going to order a weight loss spell from me, you need to understand that after I perform the ritual, you will need to behave accordingly. You need to help magic change your body and mind, at least at the beginning. After a while, the spell will take full effect and will be able to keep your weight under control without you. This means that at first you’re going to need to stop overeating, start going to the gym, quit alcohol that causes hunger, and try to stay calm to avoid eating too much chocolate and other foods for stress relief. 

If you need, I can also remove a weight loss curse from you. Today, the spell for weight loss is an increasingly popular revenge tool. As a rule, it’s used by women against women. However, a weight loss curse can be cast on men, too. Today, each third victim of a weight loss curse is male.

Weight loss curse

Below are a few signs indicating that someone has cast a weight loss curse on you: 

1. Your weight is at least 30% below your normal weight.

2. You remember the day you began to lose weight. It was like a point of no return for you, and now you can’t gain back the weight you lost no matter what you do.

3. You’ve consulted a number of doctors but they can’t help you gain back your lost weight.

4. You eat more than you should but haven’t gained a pound.

5. You don’t have a lot of physical activity which could explain your weight loss.

6. You keep losing weight no matter what you do.

7. Your weight loss affects your health (physical and mental).

8. Your weight loss affects your career and personal life.

9. You are the skinniest person in your family.

10. Your leanness makes you unattractive rather than pretty.

11. You are feeling tired and sleeping a lot; you are unable to do the daily tasks you need to do.

12. It’s like some very important part of your life has been cut off and now your life is incomplete. 

The more yes’s you have having read the above statements, the better your chances are that someone’s cast a black magic spell for weight loss on you. However, to know it for sure, you still need to let me diagnose you. Magic diagnostics allows me to identify whether your condition is caused by some witchcraft which has been used against you, or a disease you have developed, and it has nothing to do with magic and witchcraft. 

If your problem is magic-related, I will solve it. With my knowledge and experience, you will get your lost pounds and your normal life back shortly.

In conclusion, I’d like to say that no one is secured against the weight loss spell. It’s rather easy to cast, so it’s extensively used by various people, including non-professionals. This spell is used to eliminate rivals and all those whose success depends on their looks. Often, it’s cast to break up a family or ruin someone’s self-esteem because that way it’s easier to control this person. 

A spell for weight loss can be cast to solve your weight problems, help you lose some weight and improve your looks. This means that depending on the goal pursued, this spell can be used to do good or to do evil.


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