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How to Make Candles for Spells
Esoteric, astrologer, writer
To make candles for spells, buy cotton threads or ready wicks
Wax can be bought from people selling honey. You will also need some aroma oils (we will discuss it later) and dye. Green candles are good for money spells, so some brilliant green as a dye will work nicely for you.
If you want to make thick candles, take an empty toothpaste or glue tube. Fasten the wick on the cap and run it through the tube. Put the tube into a glass or jar and fill it with some melted, slightly chilled wax. Make sure the wick doesn’t shift. Leave it for 4-6 days to harden. Thin candles are easier to make. Rub the wick with some wax and plunge it into some melted, well-chilled wax. Let it dry out. Repeat the procedure a few times. Leave it for 5-6 days to dry out. Or you can pour some melted, well-chilled wax into a cup with water. Wait until the wax hardens and take it out. Put the wick on its side and make a roll about it. It will dry out within a day.
While making candles for spells, follow the rules below
1. Your place should be clean and bed made.
2. You should be clean.
3. Think about something positive, something pleasant.
4. You can sing or listen to good music.
Candles are very powerful magic attributes. With the help of candles, you can cast spells and make wishes. However, few people know that candles can help you clear out negative energy from your home, overcome depression and insomnia.
While alone in the room with a table and a chair, close the curtains and the door, turn the lights off. Put a burning candle at the center of the table and move the chair so the distance between it and the table was around 50 cm. Sit down, make yourself comfortable, relax, and keep your eyes on the flame for about seven minutes, concentrate on the fire. After a while, you will start having a pleasant feeling of stupor, your eyes still fixed on the candle. If you want, you can extend the exercise.
The exercise is to be done before going to bed. Its main cycle includes seven days (start on Sunday and finish the next Sunday). It cures headache and diseases of the nervous system, removes curses and the evil eye. If you want to make a wish, use candles of different colors. Red candles help love wishes come true. Yellow candles have the energy of the sun. It helps overcome depression and apathy, give strength to people, raises spirits. Brown candles are good for those making wishes concerning their family and well-being. Blue candles will help you study, while violet ones will activate your body defenses. You become invulnerable to magical influence from outside. Burn a white candle and walk around your home holding it in your hands, and it’ll help you clear out the energy mess.
Wax can be bought from people selling honey. You will also need some aroma oils (we will discuss it later) and dye. Green candles are good for money spells, so some brilliant green as a dye will work nicely for you.
If you want to make thick candles, take an empty toothpaste or glue tube. Fasten the wick on the cap and run it through the tube. Put the tube into a glass or jar and fill it with some melted, slightly chilled wax. Make sure the wick doesn’t shift. Leave it for 4-6 days to harden. Thin candles are easier to make. Rub the wick with some wax and plunge it into some melted, well-chilled wax. Let it dry out. Repeat the procedure a few times. Leave it for 5-6 days to dry out. Or you can pour some melted, well-chilled wax into a cup with water. Wait until the wax hardens and take it out. Put the wick on its side and make a roll about it. It will dry out within a day.
While making candles for spells, follow the rules below
1. Your place should be clean and bed made.
2. You should be clean.
3. Think about something positive, something pleasant.
4. You can sing or listen to good music.
Candles are very powerful magic attributes. With the help of candles, you can cast spells and make wishes. However, few people know that candles can help you clear out negative energy from your home, overcome depression and insomnia.
While alone in the room with a table and a chair, close the curtains and the door, turn the lights off. Put a burning candle at the center of the table and move the chair so the distance between it and the table was around 50 cm. Sit down, make yourself comfortable, relax, and keep your eyes on the flame for about seven minutes, concentrate on the fire. After a while, you will start having a pleasant feeling of stupor, your eyes still fixed on the candle. If you want, you can extend the exercise.
The exercise is to be done before going to bed. Its main cycle includes seven days (start on Sunday and finish the next Sunday). It cures headache and diseases of the nervous system, removes curses and the evil eye. If you want to make a wish, use candles of different colors. Red candles help love wishes come true. Yellow candles have the energy of the sun. It helps overcome depression and apathy, give strength to people, raises spirits. Brown candles are good for those making wishes concerning their family and well-being. Blue candles will help you study, while violet ones will activate your body defenses. You become invulnerable to magical influence from outside. Burn a white candle and walk around your home holding it in your hands, and it’ll help you clear out the energy mess.
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