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Ancient magic spells – The best of the rituals
Order lost love spells to be happy
Casting a witchcraft spell for love at home
Casting an easy spell for love at home
A spell to make someone fall in love with you when you are in love
What to begin with to cast a spell to make someone fall in love with you
First and foremost, to cast a spell to make someone fall in love with you, you need to know the one you are in love with in person. It does not mean you should be good friends or work or party together. However, this person needs to know who you are and your name. More importantly, he should like you as a person.
Speaking of spells to make someone fall in love with you forever, if the one you love does not like you or finds you annoying, he will try to guard himself from you subconsciously with an energy shield. The moment you put a love spell on this person, the spell will hit the shield and bounce back or dissolve in space. As a result, nothing will happen.
Friendliness, affection and friendship help a person accept the energy coming from you. Just like this person likes and accepts your jokes, compliments or laughter, he will accept the program sent by you with a spell to make someone fall in love with you and live according to this program, meaning he will fall in love you.
If the one you love does not like you, you will need professional help. When a relationship can be described as “I love him but he doesn’t like me and avoids me”, before using a love spell, you need to change the man’s attitude to you. A man or a woman can dislike you for many reasons:
- Your energies are incompatible;
- They cannot love you because of some energy diseases in them or in you;
- They are under the influence of a love spell;
- You are under the influence of a spell;
- You have clogged chakras;
- They have clogged chakras;
- You exist at different energy levels.
More information about each of the above points can be found on my website, which is why I, spellcaster Maxim, will not elucidate them. For each of the problems there is more than one article written by me which is better than any fact sheet. So please carefully read the articles previously posted by me to understand why any form of incompatibility – energy, karmic, mental – will always be an insurmountable obstacle in the way of any attempt to cast spells to make someone fall in love with you forever.
But if the one you love likes you, go ahead and cast your spell. But not right away. To begin with, make sure you have everything you need for the ritual and then fast for one or two weeks. Your fast should be as strict as possible.
Different spellcasters offer different fasting options. But I suggest that you do not exhaust yourself with fasting, so by the time you start performing the ritual, your energy levels reach their peak values. To this end you should:
- - Sleep as much as you can;
- - Abstain from meat and alcohol;
- - Do not fight, do not worry and do not get mad;
- - Recover if you are sick;
- - If you are a woman, wait until 9 days pass after the end of your period;
- - Convince yourself that everything will be great.
The difference between the attempts to cast spells to make someone fall in love with you forever taken by men and by women
It is believed that a relationship is possible only when partners exchange energies on mutually beneficial terms. Only two out of seven chakras generate energy in men and three charkas out of seven generate energy in women. The rest of the chakras need to get energy from the outside. Men get it from nature, while women from cosmos. As a result, when they are together, they give each other the energy each one needs. The man gives the woman the rough energies of survival and health, while the woman gives the man the fine energies of wisdom and foresight.
The results of such energy exchange are particularly profound when the man and the woman love each other. The woman feels and looks younger and lighter. She sleeps less, has more energy and feels a strong desire to live. She makes plans for the future and she looks fearlessly into it. When the man is in love, he exhibits multiple talents and strives for achievement, reaching greater success than ever before.
These are the results you should get from a properly cast spell to make someone fall in love with you. Magic should give you something that is so good that you will be afraid to lose it.
What do women want? They need men’s strength ensuring protection and survival, which means confidence in the future. What do men want? The man needs to know his woman considers him special and loves him because she thinks he is better than other men. So when you cast one of the spells to make someone fall in love with you forever, make sure to activate the appropriate chakras for excellent results.
Since it is very important, I, spellcaster Maxim, would like to write it in a separate paragraph.
When a Spell to make someone fall in love with you is cast, the woman should give the man the energy of her second and fourth chakra, while the man casting the love spell should activate his first and third chakra.
You can consider yourself wise and enlightened. We can convince others we are too advanced to be influenced with the rough energies of the world. However, all relationships, including those between the most advanced of living creatures, are built based on the fusion of their lower chakras and the exchange of their lowest energies. Having similar tastes in culture or literature, mental compatibility and shared experiences does not count. If you are not attracted to each other at the level of your lower chakras, you will never be able to build a strong and harmonious relationship.
Now let us get back to what I talk about a lot:
There is no point in casting spells to make someone fall in love with you forever if you are not even familiar with magic.
If you do not know how to activate your chakras and channel your energies, if you cannot influence other people with your energies and turn your wishes into commands to be executed by others, do not even try to cast love spells. Everything they say on the Internet, all those recipes and spells do not take into account your energies which are critical for all rituals, meaning they are unhelpful. Contact professional magic practitioners and let them do the work for you to let you find love and become happy as soon as possible.
How to cast a spell to make someone fall in love with you avoiding self-deception
Magic is very much like a placebo. You cast a spell to make someone fall in love with you and then believe it is working. You come to believe the one you love loves you back or the one you put one of the spells to make someone fall in love with you forever on likes you and feels affection for you. You cherish a hope that your loved one will say he loves you soon or take a step to get closer to you. But eventually you realize you have been wrong the whole time and the target of your love spell has no feelings for you whatsoever and is even dating someone else.
When you cast a spell to make someone fall in love with you by yourself, the target should fall in love with you within a month. He should call you, ask you on a date, give you presents, etc. He should both talk about love for you and show it to you. If it has been a month but nothing has changed in your relationship, consider your love spell a failed one.
It does not mean you cannot be together. It just means you are not destined to practice magic and it is time to find a professional magic practitioner offering spells to make someone fall in love with you forever.
I am one of such spellcasters, so do not hesitate to contact me.
While you are weighing all pros and cons making your decision, I offer you to watch a video about a spell to make someone fall in love with you which you can cast for yourself.
To solve your problem please e-mail me spellcaster.maxim@gmail.com
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