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Casting an easy spell for love at home
Spell casters and sorcerers claim the love spell with menstrual blood is the most effective method for manipulating men’s will. It makes the man addicted to the woman whose menstrual blood he drank.
Specialists warn against casting a love spell using menstrual blood on one’s own, because it may result in a very powerful hex. I stated earlier and continue to say now that even powerful black magic love spell is much safer than any love ritual on the blood.
The effect of a love spell can’t last forever. Usually, it spans a few years. Psychics claim when a woman who cast a love spell on a man gives birth, the results are washed away with the baby’s blood. As a result, the man falls out of love with the woman and breaks up with her.
The consequences of a love spell with blood can be equally bad for both the woman and the man the love spell was cast on.
Behavior deviations in men

Usually men become addicted to alcohol, lose sexual potency, and become irritable and aggressive. It affects not only the men’s personal relations, but also their relations with colleagues and friends. One of the most common side effects of a love spell is jealousy. Jealousy makes it unbearable to live with the man and leads to social degradation. Specialists claim, it causes financial and career problems and shortens life. A love spell can strengthen inherent mental abnormalities or cause schizophrenia.
Consequences of a love spell for the family
If you want to cast a love spell on a man using menstrual blood, remember this love spell is both very powerful and dangerous. A strong-willed person will resist it which will impact his health and personality. As a result, you will get disappointed in him and change your mind about your future prospects.
Unfortunately, the results of this magical influence can be passed on from one generation to another, causing misfortunes, conflicts, infertility or a celibacy wreath. Anyway, someone will have to pay for it. Female off-springs will be punished with loneliness.
Real-life stories
Numerous reviews confirm the danger of casting a love spell and influencing the fate of another person.
Here’s a story of a daughter of a woman who was abandoned by her husband and tried to get him back with the help of a fortune teller. A powerful love spell that involved menstrual blood caused severe uterine bleeding which lead to uterectomy. The woman’s life was ruined.

Another young girl cast a love spell using menstrual blood on a boy she was in love with. She cast it on her own. She succeeded and the boy fell in love with her. However, after a while she lost all her friends and her teachers stopped trusting her. At the same time, she realized she no longer loved that boy and he was getting on her nerves. She girl was at a loss…
The consequences of casting a love spell using menstrual blood may be tragic. For example, one man lost his mind…
The effect of a love spell with menstrual blood
A powerful love spell with menstrual blood can help you get a man to fall in love with you. This magical ritual is as effective as a professional love spell. It has effect instantly and it’s very difficult to remove. The spell caster takes the responsibility for the fate of another person and must be able to control her own thoughts and feelings before and after the ritual to avoid doing harm to both the object of the love spell and herself.
Menstrual blood differs from regular blood in the fact that it’s closely connected with the sex chakra, so it forms a very strong sex bond right away. A love spell cast by a woman during her periods binds the man to the woman if the ritual is repeated once every six months. It’s very dangerous to cast a love spell using menstrual blood on several men.
Casting a love spell using a photo
Many people cast spells using the photo of the person they want to direct heir magical influence at. Photos help establish energy connection. Casting a love spell using menstrual blood and a photo is easy. Just try to focus on her feelings, wishes and emotions.
What you need to perform the ritual
To begin with, find a photo of your beloved that was taken recently. The power of the love spell depends on it. You will also need 14 candles, a wooden spoon, 3-liter pan, 7 teaspoons of table salt, and 7 drops of menstrual blood. The ritual is performed in the bathroom when the moon is waxing. The ritual is most effective if performed while the man is sleeping. It should be very quiet in the house. No noise must distract you from doing magic.
Performing the ritual
Light 7 candles in the kitchen and 7 candles in the bathroom. Attach the photo of your beloved to the wall over the sink in the bathroom. Boil 3 liters of water, adding the salt you’ve prepared, and stir it using the wooden spoon for 7 minutes. Focus on the image of your beloved. Pour the water into the sink (the drain is covered with a plug) and add 7 drops of menstrual blood.

Come up to the sink, put your hands together and lower them. Keep your eyes on the photo and imagine yourself with the man you’re in love with. Imagine making love with him, as well as the happiness of meeting him, being with him. Express your wishes with words and repeat it over the water to yourself. You should say something like,
“Be faithful to me!” “Don’t pay attention to other women!” “Think about me day and night!” The moment you don’t know if what you do is real or not, finish the ritual. Remove the plug, close your eyes and think about your beloved. Rinse the sink and put out the candles. Never discuss the ritual with other people.
The effect of the love spell
The effect of the love spell depends on the spell caster’s skill. Mistakes, incompetence and carelessness may prove to be ruinous to the health and fate of the woman who casts the love spell and the man the love spell is cast on. This love spell is passed on from one generation to another (male line) as a generational curse.
There’s a lot of evidence on how casting a love spell using menstrual blood impacts people. If the love spell is cast by a person who means well, as well as cast correctly, the man abandons his lover and becomes complaisant and patient. Casting a love spell using menstrual blood with bad intentions, you’re heading for trouble.
Casting a love spell using menstrual blood remotely
If the man is far away, you can cast a love spell using menstrual blood remotely. Drop some menstrual blood on your own forehead before going to bed and say the spell several times.
If you want to order a love spell from me, contact me. I offer both white and black love spells.
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