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Spells for beauty for men and women
Is it true that spells for beauty work only if coupled with dieting, exercising and other healthy habits?
Spellcaster Maxim replies:
Any beauty spell requiring you to do all of the above is a lie. If a spellcaster says he can cast some powerful beauty spells on you but you will have to diet and work out, he is lying to you.
This is how real spells for beauty work
- They remove your energies of stagnation and aging;
- They disable your aging programs;
- They change your ethereal body adding the matrixes of youth and beauty.
This changes your inner state and appearance allowing you to look like you are 18 at age 40, 50 or even 60.
Have you ever cast a beauty spell turning a “frog” into a “princess?”
If you have, is there any visible evidence? Can you show it to us?
Spellcaster Maxim replies:
I have cast powerful beauty spells multiple times achieving excellent results. As for “visible evidence,” I cannot show it to you because this information is confidential. As a professional spellcaster, I cannot disclose my clients’ confidential information and tell you who I helped and how, even if this does no good to my business.
Is there a point after which your spells for beauty can’t help?
Spellcaster Maxim replies:
No, spells for beauty can be cast any time. You can order my beauty spell regardless of how old you are. Undoubtedly, the later we start your treatment (ugliness and aging need to be treated like any other disease), the more difficult it will be for me to give you your youth back, yet it is possible and I assure you that you will see it for yourself.
I’ve had an unsuccessful plastic surgery. I look terrible. My plastic surgeon says he can’t do anything about it. They’re asking me not to go to court and settle. But I don’t need their money! I just want to be pretty again! Could you help me, spellcaster Maxim?
Spellcaster Maxim replies:
Before casting my powerful beauty spells, I need to see you and study the nature of the changes which occurred after your plastic surgery. Magic, and spells for beauty in particular, can regenerate damaged skin and nerve endings damaged during the surgery so, hopefully, you are going to be fine.
Perhaps, I’m being philosophical but I’d like to know what you think is better – to use a beauty spell to make someone beautiful on the outside or on in the inside? I’m not interested in men who value women’s beauty over everything else. I want to be with someone who’d love me for who I am. Your opinion is very importance to me so I’m looking forward to your reply. Thanks!
Spellcaster Maxim replies:
Powerful beauty spells can make you beautiful both on the outside and on the inside. So it is for you to decide what beauty you want to enhance, outer or inner. When you make your choice, let me know so I could choose the right beauty spell for you.
Do spells for beauty help only women?
Can a man improve his appearance with a beauty spell?

Spellcaster Maxim replies:
I cast powerful beauty spells not only on women but also on men. Also, I will be happy to help gay people who are not happy with their looks and other sexual minorities. Moreover, with my beauty spells, I can improve your appearance according to your idea of beauty and beauty standards in your culture (country, race or religion). Beauty standards vary from country to country. Thus, skinny women are considered beautiful in some countries, while in others they are considered ugly.
How long does the effect of your spells for beauty last?
Does it need to be maintained?
Spellcaster Maxim replies:
Magic is finite. Thus, if I cast a beauty spell on you once, you will need to contact me once every few years and ask me to cast it again. You do not need to maintain the effect of your beauty spell. For example, if you are overweight, I will perform special rituals to ensure that you not only lose weight but also get your unhealthy appetite under control.
Can beauty magic help me if I’ve been ugly my whole life?
Spellcaster Maxim replies:
There are many ways to make you handsome. Magic can improve your hair, skin, teeth, and adjust your facial features. It can also enhance your energies and it is the energies which attract women to a man. Also, a beauty spell can boost your sex appeal, give you confidence, and improve your social communication skills. Women love winners so much that they pay very little attention to their appearance. With magic, you can improve your hormone system to look stronger and radiate pure masculine power.
Are there any age restrictions on ordering beauty rituals?
Spellcaster Maxim replies:
As with all magic rituals, beauty rituals can be ordered by persons over 21 years of age.
If I use your powerful beauty spells and become beautiful, will I be deprived of something else? They say when you get something with magic, it deprives you of something else. For example, you get money but lose health, you get a spouse but lose your job, and so on.
Spellcaster Maxim replies:
This may happen only if you work with an inexperienced sorcerer or witch. If you let me put one of my spells for beauty on you, everything will be fine. I practice safe magic which leads to no negative consequences.
Can I be ugly because of my karma? If yes, what should I do to fix it?
Spellcaster Maxim replies:
You can fix it with special rituals. Even though karma fixing is time-consuming, I assure you the results are worth it.
When I look at myself in the mirror or when I look though some pictures of myself, I see that I’m handsome. However, the people around me don’t see that. They’re like under hypnosis. They think I’m not masculine and not handsome. It feels like I’m living in a nightmare.
It is not those people but you who are “under hypnosis.” You have a curse on you that makes people see you different from what you really are. When you have your curse broken, people will “regain their sight” and finally see you the way you are.
By the way, this curse is so powerful that it can make the wife consider her husband ugly or fear her own children. A beauty spell cannot fix your problem. Luckily, I know just the spell to help you. So do not hesitate to contact me and I promise you I will do everything I can to help you.
To solve your problem please e-mail me spellcaster.maxim@gmail.com
or give me your message using this feedback form
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